It is an exercise in honesty, but the answer
can be unexpectedly wise, often humorous in
unusual ways which you wouldn’t have come
up with yourself! You might be playfully
nudged out of personal drama, completely
busting some hot air bubble, and making you
laugh at yourself! It might come in a string of
odd little coincidences, giving a glimpse of a
new interest to follow up. It is patient, kind,
generous, but to the point. Non-judgmental
and compassionate, it is never petty. Its
breadth of vision is its is on your
side but never supports you in deluding yourself.
It can be relied upon, when asked, to come up
with more equitable ways of seeing and dealing
with things.
Its messages may come through the mouth of
friend or foe! It might waft in on a snatch of
overheard conversation, an ad, or a line of song.
Whether or not you feel you personal relationship
with the guide as such, the aim is greater peace,
happiness, cohesion, integrity and freedom.
“Inner Guidance” is an inspirational life-giving
game. It can be played at any time requiring no
hardware or software. Just ask for a little
light to be shed on a problem you have. Then
quietly await an answer, a new perspective,
a more peaceful feeling, and trust that you
have been heard. Have fun!